Pricing / Oku

Oku Premium

Our premium friends get some cool extras, plus the warm feeling inside that comes from supporting an indie team.

Grab 50% off yearly premium during January and make 2024 your best year of books yet!

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Pay yearly

Save 50%!



All accounts let you track, rate & review books, plus basic collection organisation tools.

  • Track books and build your TBR
  • Rate & review
  • Follow your friends
  • Create your own collections
  • Save highlights from your books
  • Yearly reading goals
  • Personal reading stats
Join for free
save 50%



/ year($0.67 per week)

Help us pay the bills continue working on improvements!

  • Everything from Free
  • Make your collections private
  • Premium profile badge
  • Access to our subscriber Discord
  • Support an indie team!
save 30%



/ year($2.4 per week)

You believe in what we’re doing and really want to show your support!

  • Everything in Premium
  • Early access to new features
  • Our eternal gratitude

Set a reading goal for the year

If you're trying to kickstart a reading habit or just want to challenge yourself, motivate yourself to stick to it with a reading goal.

Unlock your
personal statistics

Easily highlight your favorite passages

Keep your highlights handy with our app or share them with a friend or study partner.

Why charge money?

We have big ambitions for Oku, but things can move rather slowly when we can only work on it in our spare time! After more than 18 months of evenings and weekends we’re itching to pour more time into it, which ultimately requires a business model.

Why not show ads?

We are member-supported so that our success is directly linked to member satisfaction, rather than how many ads we can show and how much data we can collect to microtarget them. Our members should be the customer and not the product.

Meet the team

As three friends scattered throughout Europe, we were looking for a way to discover books and share our own recommendations. Nothing cut the mustard, so we took the challenge on. We may not have deep pockets or lots of time, but we're willing to bet we can make up for it by working smart and taking pride in our work.

A man and a dog

Yavor Punchev & Fuji

Sofia, Bulgaria

A black cat

Joe Alcorn

London, United Kingdom

A man chilling reading a book

Aziz Firat

Oslo, Norway