Oku has RSS Feeds
Every collection on Oku has basic support for RSS feeds. These feeds will let you retrieve the books inside a collection and are supported by many tools such as IFTTT and Zapier.
Finding your RSS feeds
Your RSS reader probably supports auto discovery, so you can paste your collection link into your reader and away you go. Otherwise, you need to navigate to the collection page on a desktop and view the page source.
The RSS link will look like this:
What can I use this for?
Send to Notion / Twitter / Tumblr / ???
IFTTT is easy to use and supports posting RSS feeds to so many different services, and Zapier is similar but aimed more at serious users and businesses that need more flexibility. Both have free plans.
Subscribe to collection updates
The traditional usage of RSS is to subscribe to a feed using an RSS reader to notify you when new things appear.
On your website
Some members have gone further and used it to display what they’re currently reading or have recently read on their home pages!
Adam Collier is using these feeds to display his latest activity on his own website:
Fabrizio Rinaldi is doing something similar with his own feeds:
Simone D’Avico has used the feeds to update his GitHub profile with the books he’s reading and planning to read next. (And the code is open source!)
Email us
If enough people get use out of these we’ll integrate it further into the product. We’d also love to show off more examples above, so let us know if you do something cool with these feeds!